Monday, December 15, 2008

About Our Rats

Our rats (''our'' meaning me and Leah). My rats are called Masala and Kalinji. Masala is an ADORABLE brown variegated female rat (See the Gallery for pictures). Kalinji is a small-ish black-brown hooded female rat (Also ADORABLE, you can see pics. of her too). Leah's rat is called Lily, a half hooded female rat who is great friends with both of my rats. I will soon have pictures of Lily too. Oh, Leah has had five rats of which Lily is the only one remaining. Now I come to personalities. Masala: Hyper active, highly inteligent rat who has learnt how to do basic acrobatics. Kalinji: Shy but inteligent rat, also learnt acrobatics. Lily: Outgoing escape Genius, who had mites but fought them off (with a little help of course). To teach your rat acrobatics, have a look at Rat Tricks.


  1. Hello Anna
    I have just visited the Ratdom Club and I just love the rats. They look so appetising and yummy, all that nice food they get no doubt. Delicious!
    Mr Tom Cat

  2. Hey Anns, I sa the link on the chat so I checked again. Anyway, I'm A follower. P.S: At ABOUT OUR RATS, You spelled 'Inteligent' wrong, it's "Intelligent". P.P.S: Rofl.
